Síntesis de prensa por medio

Notas de prensa publicadas por Cities 4 Forests

Publicaciones: 0
Notas de la Ciudad de México
Integrated landscape management allows the conservation of forests and rural and urban green areas to achieve ecological connectivity
2021-05-22 - Cities 4 Forests -

Integrated landscape management allows the conservation of forests and rural and urban green areas to achieve ecological connectivity. This allows cities to address interests and sectors at different scales and levels of planning for territorial management. Landscape management promotes the strengthening of governance mechanisms, biodiversity conservation, and the creation of green infrastructure networks.

This approach facilitates the adaptation of communities (and society in general) to climate change, thereby decreases the vulnerability to a broad spectrum of climate change impacts, with co-benefits for vulnerable groups while preserving biodiversity.

In Mexico City, there are 24 Protected Natural Areas and a Community Ecological Conservation Area, covering an area of 26,047 hectares, which represent 17% of the Conservation Land in the City.

Actor principal:    Eje:   Palabra clave: Áreas Naturales Protegidas  Evaluación:

